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rated 0 times [  132] [ 3]  / answers: 1 / hits: 6469  / 10 Years ago, thu, october 16, 2014, 12:00:00

I have a ng-repeat which display a list of divs and when I click on one it shows an aditionnal div for the clicked item.

This is working

<div ng-repeat=item in items>

<div ng-click=showfull = !showfull>
<div ng-show=showfull>

My items are loaded from a json containing a list of item and each item have a default attribut showfull set to false in this json. This is working, but now I want to hide all others item in the list when an item is clicked. I've tryied something like this :

This is not working

<div ng-repeat=item in items>

<div ng-click=expand(item)>
<div ng-show=showfull>

and in the controller I've added a function :

$scope.expand = function(e) {
e.showfull = !e.showfull;
//TODO: put here a foreach logic to hide all other items

But even without the foreach logic this is not working, the item don't show the additionnal div when clicked. I have two question :

  1. I suppose this is due to item being passed by copy in the expand function or some kind of scope isolation issue but can you explain me why in detail ?

  2. How can I hide all the additional div of other items when I click an item and show the additionnal content for this item ? Do I need to do a directive ?


More From » angularjs


I think you're on the right track. You need to set the showfull on the item and then use ng-show or ng-if to hide it, or as Gavin mentioned, use a class.

On ng-click you can call your expand function, where you pass the item, toggle it and set all others to hidden.


<div ng-repeat=item in items>
<div ng-click=expand(item)>
<div ng-show=item.showfull>


$scope.expand = function (item) {
angular.forEach($scope.items, function (currentItem) {
currentItem.showfull = currentItem === item && !currentItem.showfull;

[#41852] Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 10 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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