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rated 0 times [  146] [ 7]  / answers: 1 / hits: 16763  / 6 Years ago, wed, may 2, 2018, 12:00:00

How to submit form data in the stepper of angular material. I am following the example from angular material I did lot of googling before asking this question, but not found any answer.

<mat-horizontal-stepper [linear]=isLinear #stepper=matHorizontalStepper>
<mat-step [stepControl]=firstFormGroup>
<form [formGroup]=firstFormGroup>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Fill out your name</ng-template>
<input matInput placeholder=Last name, First name formControlName=firstCtrl required>
<button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
<mat-step [stepControl]=secondFormGroup>
<form [formGroup]=secondFormGroup>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Fill out your address</ng-template>
<input matInput placeholder=Address formControlName=secondCtrl required>
<button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
<button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Done</ng-template>
You are now done.
<button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
<button mat-button (click)=stepper.reset()>Reset</button>

I am done with filling two forms. But after that I am not getting how to get / submit the form data.

Thank you for you help... :-)

More From » angular


Give submit button and ngSubmit to form where you have forms inside Stepper

      <button mat-raised-button (click)=isLinear = true id=toggle-linear>Enable linear mode</button>

<mat-horizontal-stepper [linear]=isLinear #stepper=matHorizontalStepper>
<mat-step [stepControl]=firstFormGroup>
<form [formGroup]=firstFormGroup (ngSubmit)=form1() #formone=ngForm>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Fill out your name</ng-template>
<input matInput placeholder=Last name, First name formControlName=firstCtrl required>
<button type=button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
<button type=submit mat-button>submit</button>
<mat-step [stepControl]=secondFormGroup>
<form [formGroup]=secondFormGroup (ngSubmit)=form2() #formtwo=ngForm>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Fill out your address</ng-template>
<input matInput placeholder=Address formControlName=secondCtrl required>
<button type=button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
<button type=button mat-button matStepperNext>Next</button>
<button type=submit mat-button>submit</button>
<ng-template matStepLabel>Done</ng-template>
You are now done.
<button mat-button matStepperPrevious>Back</button>
<button mat-button type=button (click)=stepper.reset()>Reset</button>
<button mat-button type=button (click)=formone.ngSubmit.emit();formtwo.ngSubmit.emit()>




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[#54529] Friday, April 27, 2018, 6 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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