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rated 0 times [  34] [ 2]  / answers: 1 / hits: 31216  / 7 Years ago, tue, february 14, 2017, 12:00:00

Hi I am trying to get a response via a http using the callback method. But I get a lot of information but not my data :

    Request {
domain: null,
{ error: [Function: bound ],
complete: [Function: bound ],
pipe: [Function] },
_eventsCount: 3,
_maxListeners: undefined,
Url {
protocol: 'http:',
slashes: true,
auth: null,
host: 'localhost',
port: 80,
hostname: 'localhost',
hash: null,
search: '?filter=route_short_name',
query: 'filter=route_short_name',
pathname: '/php-rest/api.php/routes',
path: '/php-rest/api.php/routes?filter=route_short_name',
href: 'http://localhost/php-rest/api.php/routes?filter=route_short_name' },
callback: [Function],
readable: true,
writable: true,
Querystring {
request: [Circular],
lib: { formats: [Object], parse: [Function], stringify: [Function] },
useQuerystring: undefined,
parseOptions: {},
stringifyOptions: {} },
Auth {
request: [Circular],
hasAuth: false,
sentAuth: false,
bearerToken: null,
user: null,
pass: null },
_oauth: OAuth { request: [Circular], params: null },
Multipart {
request: [Circular],
boundary: '9ab5d31f-9896-4fb9-8f89-47e5501e9342',
chunked: false,
body: null },
Redirect {
request: [Circular],
followRedirect: true,
followRedirects: true,
followAllRedirects: false,
followOriginalHttpMethod: false,
allowRedirect: [Function],
maxRedirects: 10,
redirects: [],
redirectsFollowed: 0,
removeRefererHeader: false },
Tunnel {
request: [Circular],
[ 'accept',
'via' ],
proxyHeaderExclusiveList: [] },
headers: { host: 'localhost' },
setHeader: [Function],
hasHeader: [Function],
getHeader: [Function],
removeHeader: [Function],
method: 'GET',
localAddress: undefined,
pool: {},
dests: [],
__isRequestRequest: true,
_callback: [Function],
proxy: null,
tunnel: false,
setHost: true,
originalCookieHeader: undefined,
_disableCookies: true,
_jar: undefined,
port: 80,
host: 'localhost',
path: '/php-rest/api.php/routes?filter=route_short_name',
{ IncomingMessage: { [Function: IncomingMessage] super_: [Object] },
[ 'ACL',
OutgoingMessage: { [Function: OutgoingMessage] super_: [Object] },
ServerResponse: { [Function: ServerResponse] super_: [Object] },
{ '100': 'Continue',
'101': 'Switching Protocols',
'102': 'Processing',
'200': 'OK',
'201': 'Created',
'202': 'Accepted',
'203': 'Non-Authoritative Information',
'204': 'No Content',
'205': 'Reset Content',
'206': 'Partial Content',
'207': 'Multi-Status',
'208': 'Already Reported',
'226': 'IM Used',
'300': 'Multiple Choices',
'301': 'Moved Permanently',
'302': 'Found',
'303': 'See Other',
'304': 'Not Modified',
'305': 'Use Proxy',
'307': 'Temporary Redirect',
'308': 'Permanent Redirect',
'400': 'Bad Request',
'401': 'Unauthorized',
'402': 'Payment Required',
'403': 'Forbidden',
'404': 'Not Found',
'405': 'Method Not Allowed',
'406': 'Not Acceptable',
'407': 'Proxy Authentication Required',
'408': 'Request Timeout',
'409': 'Conflict',
'410': 'Gone',
'411': 'Length Required',
'412': 'Precondition Failed',
'413': 'Payload Too Large',
'414': 'URI Too Long',
'415': 'Unsupported Media Type',
'416': 'Range Not Satisfiable',
'417': 'Expectation Failed',
'418': 'I'm a teapot',
'421': 'Misdirected Request',
'422': 'Unprocessable Entity',
'423': 'Locked',
'424': 'Failed Dependency',
'425': 'Unordered Collection',
'426': 'Upgrade Required',
'428': 'Precondition Required',
'429': 'Too Many Requests',
'431': 'Request Header Fields Too Large',
'451': 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons',
'500': 'Internal Server Error',
'501': 'Not Implemented',
'502': 'Bad Gateway',
'503': 'Service Unavailable',
'504': 'Gateway Timeout',
'505': 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
'506': 'Variant Also Negotiates',
'507': 'Insufficient Storage',
'508': 'Loop Detected',
'509': 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded',
'510': 'Not Extended',
'511': 'Network Authentication Required' },
Agent: { [Function: Agent] super_: [Object], defaultMaxSockets: Infinity },
Agent {
domain: null,
_events: [Object],
_eventsCount: 1,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 80,
protocol: 'http:',
options: [Object],
requests: {},
sockets: {},
freeSockets: {},
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: false,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256 },
ClientRequest: { [Function: ClientRequest] super_: [Object] },
request: [Function],
get: [Function],
_connectionListener: [Function: connectionListener],
Server: { [Function: Server] super_: [Object] },
createServer: [Function],
Client: [Function: deprecated],
createClient: [Function: deprecated] },
{ [Function: Agent]
{ [Function: EventEmitter]
EventEmitter: [Circular],
usingDomains: false,
defaultMaxListeners: [Getter/Setter],
init: [Function],
listenerCount: [Function] },
defaultMaxSockets: Infinity },
Agent {
domain: null,
_events: { free: [Function] },
_eventsCount: 1,
_maxListeners: undefined,
defaultPort: 80,
protocol: 'http:',
options: { path: null },
requests: {},
sockets: {},
freeSockets: {},
keepAliveMsecs: 1000,
keepAlive: false,
maxSockets: Infinity,
maxFreeSockets: 256 } }

My Node JS code is :

var http    = require('http');

function getRoutes(callback){
var callback = request('http://localhost/php-rest/api.php/routes?filter=route_short_name', function(error, response, body, callback) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {

result = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body));
//res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return callback = result;
} else {
//res.end('Error: ' + error);
return callback = error;
return callback;

app.get('/getRoutes', function(req, res) {

var data = getRoutes();
//res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

I want the callback (content of result or error).
If anyone can help me on this it would be greatly appreciated.

More From » json


This is how you should write your function using callback. request module doesn't have a callback param, see here.

var http    = require('http');

function getRoutes(callback){
request('http://localhost/php-rest/api.php/routes?filter=route_short_name', function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
result = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(body));
return callback(result, false);
} else {
return callback(null, error);;

app.get('/getRoutes', function(req, res) {

getRoutes(function(err, data){
if(err) return res.send(err);


[#58945] Saturday, February 11, 2017, 7 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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