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rated 0 times [  126] [ 1]  / answers: 1 / hits: 97149  / 10 Years ago, tue, february 10, 2015, 12:00:00

I have a simple node module which connects to a database and has several functions to receive data, for example this function:


import mysql from 'mysql';

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'db'

export default {
getUsers(callback) {
connection.connect(() => {
connection.query('SELECT * FROM Users', (err, result) => {
if (!err){

The module would be called this way from a different node module:


import dbCon from './dbConnection.js';


I would like to use promises instead of callbacks in order to return the data.
So far I've read about nested promises in the following thread: Writing Clean Code With Nested Promises, but I couldn't find any solution that is simple enough for this use case.
What would be the correct way to return result using a promise?

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Using the Promise class

I recommend to take a look at MDN's Promise docs which offer a good starting point for using Promises. Alternatively, I am sure there are many tutorials available online.:)

Note: Modern browsers already support ECMAScript 6 specification of Promises (see the MDN docs linked above) and I assume that you want to use the native implementation, without 3rd party libraries.

As for an actual example...

The basic principle works like this:

  1. Your API is called

  2. You create a new Promise object, this object takes a single function as constructor parameter

  3. Your provided function is called by the underlying implementation and the function is given two functions - resolve and reject

  4. Once you do your logic, you call one of these to either fullfill the Promise or reject it with an error

This might seem like a lot so here is an actual example.

exports.getUsers = function getUsers () {
// Return the Promise right away, unless you really need to
// do something before you create a new Promise, but usually
// this can go into the function below
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// reject and resolve are functions provided by the Promise
// implementation. Call only one of them.

// Do your logic here - you can do WTF you want.:)
connection.query('SELECT * FROM Users', (err, result) => {
// PS. Fail fast! Handle errors first, then move to the
// important stuff (that's a good practice at least)
if (err) {
// Reject the Promise with an error
return reject(err)

// Resolve (or fulfill) the promise with data
return resolve(result)

// Usage:
exports.getUsers() // Returns a Promise!
.then(users => {
// Do stuff with users
.catch(err => {
// handle errors

Using the async/await language feature (Node.js >=7.6)

In Node.js 7.6, the v8 JavaScript compiler was upgraded with async/await support. You can now declare functions as being async, which means they automatically return a Promise which is resolved when the async function completes execution. Inside this function, you can use the await keyword to wait until another Promise resolves.

Here is an example:

exports.getUsers = async function getUsers() {
// We are in an async function - this will return Promise
// no matter what.

// We can interact with other functions which return a
// Promise very easily:
const result = await connection.query('select * from users')

// Interacting with callback-based APIs is a bit more
// complicated but still very easy:
const result2 = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
connection.query('select * from users', (err, res) => {
return void err ? reject(err) : resolve(res)
// Returning a value will cause the promise to be resolved
// with that value
return result

[#67885] Saturday, February 7, 2015, 10 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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