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rated 0 times [  53] [ 1]  / answers: 1 / hits: 15192  / 11 Years ago, tue, january 28, 2014, 12:00:00

I have the following value representation of an actual JSON object returned from my controller:


<script type=text/javascript>
var customers = [{name:Urban Development,id:1},{name:Ball Corporation,id:2},{name:Apache Software Foundation,id:3},{name:The Coca-Cola Company,id:4},{name:Discovery Communications, Inc.,id:5},{name:Electronic Data Systems,id:6},{name:FreeWave Technologies, Inc.,id:7}] ;
$(#customer).autocomplete({ source: customers });


<label for=customer>Customer Name</label>
<input type=text name=customer id=customer >

I dont know how to do this so any1 can help me.

Model page

public function getEmp(){
$db = Loader::db();
return $db->GetArray(select emp_id, emp_name as label, emp_name as value, emp_doj from employee_master);}

Controller page

$employee = employeeinfo::getEmp();
$this->set('employee', $employee);

view page

$(function() {
var dataEmp = <?php echo json_encode($employee); ?>;

/* my json value like this
{id: 2,label: S Kumar ,value: S Kumar ,emp_doj: 2013-07-02},
{id: 3,label: Cj Ramki ,value: Cj Ramki ,emp_doj: 2013-07-03},
{id: 4,label: V Sudarsanam,value: V Sudarsanam,emp_doj: 2011-06-06},
{id: 9,label: S Kamal,value: S Kamal, emp_doj: 2013-07-17},
{id: 15,label: R Malani,value: R Malani,emp_doj: 2014-01-03}
$( #pAdminName ).autocomplete({
source: dataEmp,
minLength: 1,
select: function( event, ui ) {
$( #hd ).val( ui.item.emp_id );
return false;


<?php echo $form->text('pAdminName',$pAdminName,array('placeholder'=>'Enter or select a name from list')) ?>
<input type=hidden id=hd name=hd />

More From » jquery


I am adding another answer as this is a different approach than what was before

source: customers,
minLength: 1,
select: function(event, ui) {

I have added a field to show the id , so that you can fetch it to do whatever manipulation you want to do.

here is the link to the fiddle

Updated answer on doubt

Are you sure the value of dataEmp is in the same format as I have mentioned in the fiddle. you can check it in firebug console.

I think your json array is coming in the format of {name:Urban Development,id:1} wheras it should be {value:Urban Development, id:1}. Change name to value.

[#72903] Sunday, January 26, 2014, 11 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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