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rated 0 times [  189] [ 3]  / answers: 1 / hits: 22553  / 12 Years ago, sun, april 22, 2012, 12:00:00

I want the javascript code to show a div in slow motion.

function showDiv(divID)

Here div appears, but not in slow motion. Can anyone help ??
Thanks in advance


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There is no need of jQuery in this atall , its just a basic I am using your function to explain how thats done.

   function showDiv(divID)

What your function is doing is basically removing the whole Element from BOX Model ( the toggle of block and none removes the element totally from the BOX Model so it doesnt occupies any space or anything , this but may / may not cause some layout issues );

Now to animate it in slow motion you need a timing function.

a timing function is a simple mathematical function which gives the value of the property ( opacity in your case ) for a given time or depending on other parameters .

Other then that you also need to use properties like opacity in order to fade it (Opacity is a CSS property that defines the transparency of an element and its childrens )

So let us begin with a very basic show / hide using setTimeout Function in JS.

function getValue(t,dir){

if( dir > 0){
return 0.5*t; /* Y = mx + c */
return 1-(0.5*t);
Here the slope of line m = 0.5.
t is the time interval.

function animator(divID){
if(!(this instanceof animator)) return new animator(divID); /* Ignore this */
var Node = document.getElementById(divID),
start = new Date.getTime(), // The initiation.
now = 0,
dir = 1,
visible = true;
function step( ){
now = new Date.getTime();
var val = getValue( now - start,dir) = val;
if( dir > 0 && val > 1 || dir < 0 && val < 0 ){
visible = !(visible*1);
// Optionally here u can call the block & none
if( dir < 0 ) { /* Hiding and hidden*/ = 'none'; // So if were repositioning using position:relative; it will support after hide
/* Our animation is finished lets end the continous calls */
setTimeout(step,100); // Each step is executated in 100seconds
this.animate = function(){ = 'block';
dir *= -1;
start = new Date.getTime();

now you can simply call the function

  var magician = new animator('divName');

then toggle its animation by


Now playing with the timing function you can create whatever possibilities you want as in

  return t^2 / ( 2 *3.23423 );

or even higher polynomial equations like

  return t^3+6t^2-38t+12;

As you can see our function is very very basic but it explains the point of how to make animations using pure js . you can later on use CSS3 module for animation and trigger those classes with javascript :-)

Or perhaps write a cross browser polyfill using CSS3 where available ( it is faster ) , and JS if not :-) hope that helps

[#86076] Friday, April 20, 2012, 12 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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