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rated 0 times [  164] [ 6]  / answers: 1 / hits: 36731  / 14 Years ago, thu, september 2, 2010, 12:00:00

I think I may be missing something or haven't grasped a fundamental of jQuery. I have searched for hours but yet to find an answer to my question.

I've got an old website that I'm upgrading to use jQuery and many of the links call a JavaScript onClick call that passes multiple parameters, as per the example below:

<a href=# onclick=displayData('Book Title', 'ISBN', 'dateOfPublishing', 'Price');>View Details</a>

The problem is that I've updated the old displayData function with various jQuery code and the displayData function is within the

$(document).ready(function() { 

code, and this seems to prevent the function displayData being called using the onClick as it says object expected. I've moved the displayData function out from the $(document).ready() but by doing so, this has prevented references to other functions within the $(document).ready() code being referenced.

A cut down example of what I have is below:

$(document).ready(function() {
function displayData(title, isbn, dt, price) {
// there's a call to jQuery AJAX here
type: POST,
contentType: application/json; charset=utf-8,
url: WebServices/BookService.asmx/GetBookReviews,
data: {isbn: ' + isbn + '},
dataType: json,
success: function(msg) {
return false;

function DisplayReviews(data) {
// data normally formatted here and passed to formattedData variable
var formattedData = FormatData(data);

function FormatData(data) {
// function reformats data... code removed for space..
return data;


<tr><td><a href=# class=reviewLink onclick=displayData('Book Title', '1234141HABJA1', '2010-01-12', '$15.99');>View Reviews</a></td><td>Book Title</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href=# class=reviewLink onclick=displayData('Book TItle 2', '516AHGN1515', '1999-05-08', '$25.00');>View Reviews</a></td><td>Book Title 2</td></tr>

What I'd like to do is to be able to remove the onclick=displayData(); within the link and instead us a jQuery click reference, something like

$('a.reviewLink').click(function() {
displayData(parameters go here....);

I just don't know how I'd pass the parameters to the function from the link as they would not longer be in the HTML onclick attribute.

If I continue to use the onclick attribute in the link, and move the displayData(params) out of the $(document).ready() code block, it works fine, but the moment I try and reference any of the other functions within the $(document).ready() code block I get the dreaded object expected error with the other functions such as DisplayReviews(param).

I don't know if this makes any sense.... sorry if it's confusing, I'm not the worlds best programmer and don't know all the terminology necessarily, so have tried as best I can to explain. I hope you can help.

Many thanks

More From » jquery


The init code should go into the .ready(), not your library functions, those can be defined in a seperate .js file.

<script src=yourFunctions.js></script>

$('a.reviewLink').click(function() {
displayData(parameters go here....); // in yourFunctions.js


An alternative to passing inline parameters without using inline javascript, is to use HTML5's 'data-' attribute on tags. You can use it in xhtml, html etc as well and it just works.


<div data-name=Jack data-lastname=black>My name is</div>


alert($(this).attr('data-name') + ' ' + $(this).attr('data-lastname'));

Note: You HAVE to use either jQuery's .attr() or native .getAttribute() method to retreive 'data-' values.

I use 'data-' myself all the time.

[#95720] Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 14 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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