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rated 0 times [  181] [ 3]  / answers: 1 / hits: 6485  / 4 Years ago, mon, november 30, 2020, 12:00:00

I need to filter the table data according to the value I set in the input on keyup event. As there are multiple columns, filtered data should be displayed accordingly.

In my html I have below

<td *ngFor="let t of tableHeader">
<input type="text" [id]="t.key" (keyup)="inputChange($event)">

My TS file is as below

    public inputChange(value) {
var prevData = this.dataSource;

if (this.selectedId == '') {
prevData = this.result;
else if (this.selectedId != '' && this.selectedId != {
prevData = this.result;

if (this.selectedId != '' && == '') {
this.result = prevData;

this.selectedId =;
this.inputValue =;

var filteredData = this.result.filter(x => x[this.selectedId] && x[this.selectedId].toString().toLowerCase().includes(this.inputValue.toLowerCase()));
this.result = filteredData;

So far I have done this and get data filtered accordingly, but when I remove a value from a particular filter input, it loads the data source.

Expected: to display the previously filtered data instead of the data source.

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To achieve this I would use below steps using rxjs

  1. Define the datasource as an Observable

dataSource = [
firstname: "James",
lastname: "Amstrong",
othernames: "Angel",
age: 35
firstname: "John",
lastname: "Peter",
othernames: "Ava",
age: 43

We will convert this datasource to an observable using of from 'rxjs'

  1. Define the filter as an Observable

   tableHeader = [
key: "firstname"
key: "lastname"
filterKeyValues ={ key }) => ({ key, value: "" }));
filterSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject(this.filterKeyValues)
filter$ = this.filterSubject$.asObservable()

This simply generates an Observable with the structure

Observable<[{ key: firtname, value: ''}, { key: lastname, value: ''}, ...]>

  1. Combine the two and return a new Observable as the new filtered data

dataSource$ = combineLatest([
this.filter$, of(this.dataSource)
map(([filter, dataSource]) =>
dataSource.filter(item =>
filter.every((value) =>
(new RegExp(String(value.value).toLowerCase())).test(String(item[value.key]).toLowerCase())


  1. Define handler for the inputChange

  public inputChange(event: any, key) {
this.filterKeyValues.find(({key: testKey}) => testKey === key).value =

  1. Use async to display the contents

<td *ngFor="let t of tableHeader">
<input type="text" [id]="t.key" (keyup)="inputChange($event, t.key)">
<tr *ngFor="let item of dataSource$ | async">
<td>{{ item.firstname }}</td>
<td>{{ item.lastname }}</td>
<td>{{ item.othernames }}</td>
<td>{{ item.age }}</td>

We are calling the next value. this will force a change detection and datasorce$ Observable will be reevaluated causing an update in the UI

I have made a Demo Here to illustrate this approach

[#2203] Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 4 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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