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rated 0 times [  12] [ 7]  / answers: 1 / hits: 6702  / 9 Years ago, thu, march 12, 2015, 12:00:00

I have a problem on delete item using modal. I can delete the using just the href obtaining the id and passing it to the controller. But i dont know how to get the id of the item in modal and delete it.

List of persons and actions to be performed

<c:forEach var=user items=${listpersons}>
<td><a href=#>${user.username}</a><!-- <span>Clients</span> --> </td>
<td><a href=#>${}</a></td>
<button class=btn btn-white btn-sm data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=top title=Compose><a href=#><i class=fa fa-envelope-o></i></a></button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/edit?id=${}&name=${user.username}&password=${user.password}&email=${}><i class=fa fa-edit title=Edit></i></a></button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/delete?id=${} title=Delete><i class=fa fa-trash-o></i></a>
<a href=#myModal role=button class=btn btn-large btn-primary data-toggle=modal>Launch Demo Modal</a>
<td class=text-right mail-date>Jan 16</td>

this part is the modal button when clicked pops.up a if i want to really delete the item

<a href=#myModal role=button class=btn btn-large btn-primary data-toggle=modal>Launch Demo Modal</a>

this is my delete button. i can delete here but i want to delete using modal

<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/delete?id=${} title=Delete><i class=fa fa-trash-o></i></a>

and this is my modal popup

<div id=myModal class=modal fade>
<div class=modal-dialog>
<div class=modal-content>
<div class=modal-header>
<button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
<h4 class=modal-title>Confirm Delete</h4>

<div class=modal-body>
<p>Are you sure you want to delete this user? </p>
<div class=modal-footer>

<button type=button class=btn btn-default data-dismiss=modal>Close</button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/delete?id=${} title=Delete><i class=fa fa-trash-o></i></a>

I dont know how to pass the id of the person in the modal popup. delete doesnt work. it doent recognize any id

this is the controller

@RequestMapping(value = /delete, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView delete(@ModelAttribute(SpringWeb)User user, ModelMap model, HttpServletRequest request)
UserDao ud = new UserJDBC();
int id = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter(id));
int delete = ud.deleteUser(id);
model.addAttribute(message, User deleted Successfuly);

catch(Exception e)
model.addAttribute(message, Error occured in deleting user.);

return new ModelAndView(admin-view-users);

User is not deleted. i get this delete?id=0 when clicking the Delete on the modal

More From » java


Append ${} with href value of popup show button i.e.


Add modal popup inside the foreach loop and now append ${} with popup id.
i.e. myModal_${}

replace your foreach with this code and remove popup.

<c:forEach var=user items=${listpersons}>
<td><a href=#>${user.username}</a><!-- <span>Clients</span> --> </td>
<td><a href=#>${}</a></td>
<button class=btn btn-white btn-sm data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=top title=Compose><a href=#><i class=fa fa-envelope-o></i></a></button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/edit?id=${}&name=${user.username}&password=${user.password}&email=${}><i class=fa fa-edit title=Edit></i></a></button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/delete?id=${} title=Delete><i class=fa fa-trash-o></i></a>
<a href=#myModal_${} role=button class=btn btn-large btn-primary data-toggle=modal>Launch Demo Modal</a>
<td class=text-right mail-date>Jan 16</td>

<div id=myModal_${} class=modal fade>
<div class=modal-dialog>
<div class=modal-content>
<div class=modal-header>
<button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-hidden=true>&times;</button>
<h4 class=modal-title>Confirm Delete</h4>

<div class=modal-body>
<p>Are you sure you want to delete this user? </p>
<div class=modal-footer>

<button type=button class=btn btn-default data-dismiss=modal>Close</button>
<a href=${pageContext.request.contextPath}/delete?id=${} title=Delete><i class=fa fa-trash-o></i>Delete</a>

Note:-Please do not forgot to add modal popup inside foreach.

[#38662] Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 9 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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