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rated 0 times [  189] [ 6]  / answers: 1 / hits: 30449  / 5 Years ago, thu, september 5, 2019, 12:00:00

I am having some trouble understanding why I am getting an error message:

TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'description' of object '#'

I know that the principle is that I don't want to modify state in my reducer. Instead, I want to return a new copy of the state.

Here is my reducer:

let copyOfItems = [...state.items]; // create a new array of items

copyOfItems.forEach(i => i.description = newDescription);

// return a new copy of the state
return {
items: copyOfItems

And here is my Reducer test:

it ('Test that each item description is set', () => {
const state = {
items: [
{ description: d1 },
{ description: d2 }


expect(MyReducer(state, { type: TOGGLE_CHECKBOX })).toEqual({
items: [
{ description: newDescription },
{ description: newDescription }

However, I get the above error message. If I remove the deepFreeze the test passes. This means that I am somehow modifying the original state in some way but I can't figure out why especially because I created a new array of spreaded items.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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The array spread operator makes a shallow copy of the state.items array, but does not make a copy of the objects inside of that array. In order to get a new array with modified items you can map over state.items and use the object spread operator to update the items:

const copyOfItems =
i => ({...i, description: 'newDescription'})
); // create a new array of items with updated descriptions

// return a new copy of the state
return {
items: copyOfItems

[#51686] Thursday, August 29, 2019, 5 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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