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rated 0 times [  46] [ 7]  / answers: 1 / hits: 21508  / 7 Years ago, sun, march 12, 2017, 12:00:00

I'm trying to run 2 promises in paralel with sequelize, and then render the results in a .ejs template, but I'm receiving this error:

 Promise.all(...).spread is not a function

This is my code:

var environment_hash = req.session.passport.user.environment_hash;
var Template = require('../models/index').Template;
var List = require('../models/index').List;

var values = {
where: { environment_hash: environment_hash,
is_deleted: 0

template = Template.findAll(values);
list = List.findAll(values);

Promise.all([template,list]).spread(function(templates,lists) {

res.render('campaign/create.ejs', {
templates: templates,
lists: lists


How can I solve thhis?

More From » node.js


I'll make my comment into an answer since it solved your issue.

.spread() is not a standard promise method. It is available in the Bluebird promise library. Your code you included does not show that. Three possible solutions:

Access array values directly

You can just use .then(results => {...}) and access the results as results[0] and results[1].

Include the Bluebird Promise library

You can include the Bluebird promise library so you have access to .spread().

var Promise = require('bluebird');

Use destructuring in the callback arguments

In the latest versions of nodejs, you could also use destructuring assignment which kind of removes the need for .spread() like this:

Promise.all([template,list]).then(function([templates,lists]) {
res.render('campaign/create.ejs', {templates, lists});

[#58581] Thursday, March 9, 2017, 7 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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