Saturday, June 1, 2024
rated 0 times [  60] [ 2]  / answers: 1 / hits: 18116  / 7 Years ago, thu, february 16, 2017, 12:00:00

I try to test an Animated.View with Jest for React-Native. When I set a property visible to true, it supposed to animate my view from opacity 0 to opacity 1.

This is what my component renders:

opacity: opacityValue,

Where opacityValue gets updated when the props visible changes:

this.opacityValue, {
toValue: this.props.visible ? 1 : 0,
duration: 350,

I want to make sure my view is visible when I set it the property visible=true. Although it takes some time for the view to become visible and as the test runs, the opacity is equal to 0.

This is my test it:

it('Becomes visible when visible=true', () => {
const tree = renderer.create(

I was wondering how I could have Jest to wait? Or how I could test this to make sure the view becomes visible when I set the props to true?


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I solved this problem by creating an Animated stub for tests.

I see you are using visible as a property, so an working example is:

Components code

import React from 'react';                                                                                                                                                                            
import { Animated, Text, View, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';

// This class will control the visible prop
class AnimatedOpacityController extends React.Component {

constructor(props, ctx) {
super(props, ctx);
this.state = {
showChild: false,

render() {
const { showChild } = this.state;
return (
<AnimatedOpacity visible={this.state.showChild} />
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => this.setState({ showChild: !showChild })}>
<Text>{showChild ? 'Hide' : 'Show' } greeting</Text>


// This is your animated Component
class AnimatedOpacity extends React.Component {

constructor(props, ctx) {
super(props, ctx);
this.state = {
opacityValue: new Animated.Value(props.visible ? 1 : 0),

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.visible !== this.props.visible) {

_animate(visible) {
Animated.timing(this.state.opacityValue, {
toValue: visible ? 1 : 0,
duration: 350,

render() {
return (
<Animated.View style={{ opacity: this.state.opacityValue }}>
<Text>Hello World</Text>



export { AnimatedOpacityController, AnimatedOpacity };

Now moving to tests

import React from 'react';                                                                                                                                                                            
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';

import { AnimatedOpacityController, AnimatedOpacity } from '../AnimatedOpacity';

jest.mock('Animated', () => {
const ActualAnimated = require.requireActual('Animated');
return {
timing: (value, config) => {
return {
start: (callback) => {
callback && callback()

it('renders visible', () => {
<AnimatedOpacity visible={true} />

it('renders invisible', () => {
<AnimatedOpacity visible={false} />

it('makes transition', () => {
const component = shallow(<AnimatedOpacityController />);

Now the generated snapshots will have opacity values as expected.
If you are using animated a lot you can move you mock to js/config/jest and edit you package.json to use it in all your tests, then any change made to your stub will be available to all tests.


The solution above solves only to go from beginning to end. A more granular solution is:

  1. Don't mock Animated

  2. In jest config make global.requestAnimationFrame = null

  3. Use mockdate do mock the date

  4. Use jest.runTimersToTime for time travel

A time travel function would be

const timeTravel = (ms, step = 100) => {                                                                                                                                                                              

const tickTravel = v => {
const now =;
MockDate.set(new Date(now + v));

let done = 0;
while (ms - done > step) {
done += step;
tickTravel(ms - done);

Breaking steps in small chunks is importante because of Animated internal behavior.

[#58914] Tuesday, February 14, 2017, 7 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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