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rated 0 times [  64] [ 3]  / answers: 1 / hits: 49526  / 9 Years ago, wed, february 10, 2016, 12:00:00

The problem is that I cannot make the table (bootstrap-table) update the data after completion of the registration. I'm trying to do it via JS, but without success. I've tried the following:


$.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize(), function (result) {
if (result.status == true) {
$(location).attr('href', result.acao.url);
} else {
$('#cargo').formValidation('resetForm', true)
}, 'json');


    <button class=btn btn-primary pull-right btn-import-user btn-sm data-toggle=modal data-target=#cadastroCargo>Novo Cadastro</button>

<!-- Modal -->
<div class=modal fade id=cadastroCargo tabindex=-1 data-keyboard=false data-backdrop=static role=dialog aria-labelledby=cargoLabel>
<div class=modal-dialog role=document>
<div class=modal-content>
<form id=cargo action=Cargo/inserir method=POST enctype=multipart/form-data autocomplete=off>
<div class=modal-header>
<button type=button class=close data-dismiss=modal aria-label=Close><span aria-hidden=true>&times;</span></button>
<h4 class=modal-title id=cargoLabel>Cadastrar Cargo</h4>
<div class=modal-body>
<div class=form-group>
<label class=modal-font-body control-label>Informe o Cargo</label>
<input name=titulo type=text class=form-control input-sm id=titulo data-minlength=4 size=35 value=<?= @$cargo->titulo ?> data-error=Por favor, preencha este campo corretamente! required>
<input type=hidden name=id value=<?= @$cargo->id ?>>
<input type=reset id=configreset value=reset hidden>
<div id=mensagemSucesso class=alert alert-success alerta-sucesso hidden></div>
<div class=modal-footer>
<button type=button class=btn btn-default data-dismiss=modal>Fechar</button>
<input type=submit id=salvar value=Salvar name=salvar class=btn btn-primary>

<table id=teste name=teste class=table table-striped data-toggle=table data-search=true data-show-refresh=true data-show-columns=true
<th class=th-small data-align=left data-sortable=true>ID</th>
<th data-align=left data-sortable=true>Nome</th>
<th class=th-small>Ações</th>
foreach ($cargo as $key => $v) {
<td><?= $v->id ?></td>
<td><?= $v->titulo ?></td>
<div class=dropdown>
<button class=btn btn-default dropdown-toggle type=submit data-toggle=dropdown>... <span class=caret></span></button>
<ul class=table-modal dropdown-menu>
<li><a data-remote=Cargo/page/visualizar/<?= $v->id ?> role=button data-toggle=modal data-target=#select-modal>Visualizar</a></li>
<li><a data-remote=Cargo/page/alterar/<?= $v->id ?> data-toggle=modal data-target=#editarIdade>Editar</a></li>
<?php } ?>

More From » json


Ofcourse it cant refresh, you havent followed the doco or examples to use a data source that can be refreshed.

You are using data from html type approach, NOT a data-url.

As your printing to the page using php when page first requested, how do you expect the table to know where to get refreshed data from?

Easier just to fix how you create table, that way you still have dropdowns and ect.

Look at examples and doco links above and:

  1. Use formatter column option to make your dropdowns

  2. data-url to load from data source, see doco for example format

  3. just define TH using html, using those 2 new options to handle tbody content

Table Options


  • Attribute: data-url

  • Type: String

  • Detail:

    A URL to request data from remote site.

    Note that the required server response format is different depending on whether the 'sidePagination' option is specified. See the following examples:

    • Without server-side pagination

    • With server-side pagination

  • Default: undefined

  • Example: From URL

table#rowStyle (for styling ALL body columns)

  • Attribute: data-row-style

  • Type: Function

  • Detail:

    The row style formatter function, takes two parameters:

    • row: the row record data.

    • index: the row index.

    Support classes or css.

  • Default: {}

  • Example: Row Style

column#formatter (per-column option)

  • Attribute: data-formatter

  • Type: Function

  • Detail:

    The context (this) is the column Object.

    The cell formatter function, take three parameters:

    • value: the field value.

    • row: the row record data.

    • index: the row index.

    • field: the row field.

  • Default: undefined

[#63362] Monday, February 8, 2016, 9 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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