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rated 0 times [  54] [ 7]  / answers: 1 / hits: 111681  / 9 Years ago, tue, december 8, 2015, 12:00:00

I am using IBM Bluemix to make a web service for a school project.

My project needs to request a JSON from an API, so I can use the data it provides. I use the http get method for a data set, and I am not sure if it is working properly.

When I run my code, I get the message:

Error: Protocol https: not supported. Expected http:

What is causing it and how can I solve it?

Here is my .js file:

// Hello.
// This is JSHint, a tool that helps to detect errors and potential
// problems in your JavaScript code.
// To start, simply enter some JavaScript anywhere on this page. Your
// report will appear on the right side.
// Additionally, you can toggle specific options in the Configure
// menu.

function main() {
return 'Hello, World!';

main();/*eslint-env node*/

// node.js starter application for Bluemix

// HTTP request - duas alternativas
var http = require('http');
var request = require('request');

// cfenv provides access to your Cloud Foundry environment
// for more info, see:
var cfenv = require('cfenv');

//chama o express, que abre o servidor
var express = require('express');

// create a new express server
var app = express();

// serve the files out of ./public as our main files
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

// get the app environment from Cloud Foundry
var appEnv = cfenv.getAppEnv();

// start server on the specified port and binding host
app.listen(appEnv.port, '', function() {
// print a message when the server starts listening
console.log(server starting on + appEnv.url);

app.get('/home1', function (req,res) {
http.get('', function (res2) {
var body = '';
res2.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
res2.on('end', function () {
var json = JSON.parse(body);
var CotacaoDolar = json[dolar][cotacao];
var VariacaoDolar = json[dolar][variacao];
var CotacaoEuro = json[euro][cotacao];
var VariacaoEuro = json[euro][variacao];
var Atualizacao = json[atualizacao];





if (VariacaoDolar<0) {
recomend= Recomenda-se, portanto, comprar dólares.;

else if (VariacaoDolar=0){

else {
recomend=Recomenda-se, portanto, vender dólares.;

if (VariacaoEuro<0) {
recomend2= Recomenda-se, portanto, comprar euros.;

else if (VariacaoEuro=0){
else {
recomend2=Recomenda-se,portanto, vender euros.;

res.render('cotacao_response.jade', {

app.get('/home2', function (req,res) {
http.get('', function (res3) {
var body = '';
res3.on('data', function (chunk) {
body += chunk;
res3.on('end', function () {
console.log(My JSON is +x); });


Here is a print of the error screen I get: enter

More From » json


When you want to request an https resource, you need to use https.get, not http.get.

[#64136] Friday, December 4, 2015, 9 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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