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rated 0 times [  0] [ 3]  / answers: 1 / hits: 16409  / 10 Years ago, mon, june 9, 2014, 12:00:00

I have a User Control which has a RadioButtonList on it.

<asp:RadioButtonList ID=rblMyOptions runat=server RepeatLayout=Flow
RepeatDirection=Horizontal >
<asp:ListItem Text=Yes Value=Y onClick=getCheckedRadio(true); />
<asp:ListItem Text=No Value=N onClick=getCheckedRadio(false); />

As you can see I initially had an onClick event set to activate a JavaScript function, which this code was on a page it worked fine, but since moving to a user control it has stopped calling it.

The code has the following message: Validation (ASP.Net): Attribute 'onClick' is not a valid attribute of element 'ListItem'.

Is there anyway that I can have an onClick style event which will call my function? I have seen some examples which constantly iterate through the items and then determine which is selected, but I have lots of these radio buttons so would prefer not to use that if possible.

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Consider putting this JQuery or some variation on your main form.

//On document ready
$(function() {
$(input[type='radio']).on('click', function(e) {
getCheckedRadio($(this).attr(name), $(this).val(), this.checked);

//External function to handle all radio selections
function getCheckedRadio(group, item, value) {

Then in your partial:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID=rblMyOptions runat=server RepeatLayout=Flow RepeatDirection=Horizontal>
<asp:ListItem Text=Yes Value=Y />
<asp:ListItem Text=No Value=N />

This should handle all radio buttons (or at least the ones you target with the JQuery if you change it).

I have a working sample (without the .NET code) here that demonstrates the principle.

Edit: Here is essentially what is happening behind the scenes.

I'm not sure how new you are to this, so I will go into a bit of detail here and I apologize if you already have a handle on some of these things.

When you use .NET controls (asp:DropDownList, asp:RadioButtonList, asp:ListItem) these are all server-side representations of what will be generated when the page is sent to a browser. The code you see in your .aspx page is not necessarily how the markup will be sent to the browser.

For example, the following code:

<asp:Label ID=_CtlMyLabel runat=server Text=Label />

Will be rendered in the browser HTML as:

<span id=_CtlMyLabel>Label</span>

If you were to wrap it in a panel:

<asp:Panel ID=_CtlWrapperPanel runat=server ClientIDMode=Inherit>
<asp:Label ID=_CtlMyLabel runat=server Text=Label ClientIDMode=Inherit />

You would get:

<div id=_CtlWrapperPanel>
<span id=_CtlMyLabel>Label</span>

When it comes to a RadioButtonList, the following asp:RadioButtonList:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID=rblMyOptions runat=server RepeatLayout=Flow RepeatDirection=Horizontal>
<asp:ListItem Text=Yes Value=Y />
<asp:ListItem Text=No Value=N />

Will generate:

<span id=rblMyOptions>
<input id=rblMyOptions_0 type=radio name=rblMyOptions value=Y />
<label for=rblMyOptions_0>Yes</label>
<input id=rblMyOptions_1 type=radio name=rblMyOptions value=N />
<label for=rblMyOptions_1>No</label>

When you say OnClick on the ListItem, .NET thinks you are referring to a Server-Side function you created called rblMyOptions_Click (which will do a post back), but since you want this to happen on the client, the strategy I suggested to solve it is to use JQuery to bind to the click event of each radio button, since the radio button list doesn't actually exist in the HTML.

You can see this question / answer for more info:
ASP.NET radiobuttonlist onclientclick

By using the JQuery to target any input[type='radio'] we bind javascript to any radio button input (or we can be more restrictive as well).

[#70651] Friday, June 6, 2014, 10 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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