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rated 0 times [  89] [ 2]  / answers: 1 / hits: 18336  / 11 Years ago, sun, january 26, 2014, 12:00:00

I have a directive

app.directive(dir, function($compile, $sce){
restrict: E,
link: function(scope, element, attr){
var html = $sce.trustAsHtml(attr.content);
scope.alabala = $compile(html)(scope);
template: <div ng-bind-html='alabala'></div>,

a controller:

function MainController($scope, $http, customService, $location, $sce, $compile){
$scope.init = function(){
customService.get().success(function(data) {
var html = $sce.trustAsHtml(data);
$(#dir).attr(content, data);


and on my index page I have:

<div id=div ng-controller=MainController class=pull-right span3 ng-init=init()>
<dir id=dir ></dir>

my custom service returns every time a different html containing for example

<button ng-click='click()'>Click me</button>

What I am trying to do is every time when I push a different value in the content of my directive to compile it and put it in my html and handle the click function from my controller. Because I'm new to AngularJS I have been struggling with this problem for sometime. Please help.

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You don't need to deal with $sce to meet your purpose.

You can pass your HTML as string to the directive. After compilation in the directive it'll work.

In HTML where you need the directive

<dir id=dir content=myVal></dir>

Set different value in myVal your controller

$scope.myVal = '<button ng-click='buttonClick()'>I'm button</button>'; // HTML as string

The directive

myApp.directive('dir', function($compile, $parse) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, element, attr) {
scope.$watch(attr.content, function() {
}, true);

Check the Demo

[#72929] Friday, January 24, 2014, 11 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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