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rated 0 times [  72] [ 2]  / answers: 1 / hits: 18281  / 11 Years ago, wed, september 25, 2013, 12:00:00


  • To show contact.

  • Contact is JSON data, let's say {name: Mark, location: England, phones: [...]}.

  • Contact could be shown in multiple ways: compact / detailed / enhanced with additional info (shared contacts - additional directive)

Because contact could be shown on different pages in different places it's naturally to create directive (widget) for contact, but here is question: How to organize same widget with multiple templates?


  1. Create one directive with one template, that hides sections
    according to contact type
    - big template with possibly a lot of
    ng-switch and ng-if

  2. Create directive for each template - almost
    same directives with only different template (or templateURL)

  3. To
    load templates dynamically while linking
    - has problems with
    transclusion and replacing (merging attributes)

Whats your expirience with solving these problem?

More From » angularjs


Personally I think that Option 2 offers a clean separation between display modes. I have created a working CodePen example to illustrate how you might accomplish this cleanly by using separate directives for each template.

The method I used in my CodePen example utilizes a template factory which is injected into each directive via Angular DI. The template factory implementation is very clean since it merely uses ng-include template strings for each of the different supported display modes (compact & detailed). The actual HTML templates (partials) can be housed in external view files or internal script blocks.

Using the contact directives are easy:

<contact compact ng-repeat=contact in contacts ng-model=contact></contact>

This creates a compact version of the contact list.

<contact detailed ng-repeat=contact in contacts ng-model=contact></contact>

This creates a detailed contact listing.

I will admit that I haven't deployed code like this to production so there may be scalability or other concerns I haven't considered. I hope the code I provided answers your questions or at least provides inspiration for further exploration.

[#75426] Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 11 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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