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rated 0 times [  17] [ 6]  / answers: 1 / hits: 21628  / 12 Years ago, thu, october 25, 2012, 12:00:00

I'm trying to grab the cell values from an HTML table so that I can save them into a MySQL table via a call to PHP. I'd like to use JavaScript rather than jQuery.

I'm giving each TR a distinct ID based on the MySQL table's ID field. Also, each TD input cell has a unique ID based on the MySQL table's ID field. Not sure if I need all those, but I used them.

How do I grab the cell's value so that I can pass it to a PHP procedure(I know how to code this PHP) to save the data into MySQL? My JavaScript code below grabs the innerHTML but I need to grab the cell value's instead.

For example, if I have 3 rows of data from a MySQL table, with fields id and amount, with values below, how do I grab the 3 and the 1.99?:

id    amount
1 100.00
2 9.99
3 1.99

Here is a sample of the PHP/HTML code for the table, submit button and onclick call:
(this is a very simplified version of my actual code but should convey the idea)

/* define mysql database connect, query and execute it returning result set into $result, id=integer primary key, is_active=tinyint(0 or 1), amount=decimal(12,2) */
/* ... */
/* output form/table */
echo <form id='myform' name='myform' > ;
echo <table id='mytable' name='mytable'> ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$id = $row['id'] ;
$amount = $row['amount'] ;
$tr_id = tr_id_ . trim((string)$id) ;
$td_id = td_id_ . trim((string)$id) ;
$td_amount_id = td_amount_id_ . trim((string)$id) ;
$input_amount_id = input_amount_id_ . trim((string)$id) ;
echo <tr id='$tr_id' name='$tr_id'>;
echo <td id='$td_id_account' > $id </td> ;
echo <td id='$td_amount_id' > <input type='text' id='$input_amount_id' value=$amount > $amount </td> ;
echo </tr>;
echo </table>;
echo </form> ;
/* submit button and onclick call */
echo <br /> ;
echo <table>;
echo <tr> ;
echo <td>;
echo <button type='button' . 'onclick=SubmitTableData('' . mytable .'');' . >Submit</button> ;
echo </td> ;
echo </tr>;
echo </table>;

And here is a sample of my JavaScript function used to loop through the rows of the HTML table:

function SubmitTableData(TableID)
var table = document.getElementById(TableID);
for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++)
// iterate through rows
for (var j = 0, col; col = row.cells[j]; j++)
// iterate through columns
/* call PHP procedure with row's cell values as parameters */
/* ... */

More From » php


How to grab cell values from a table?

Update to address Elliots comment

See how to grab the cell value (innerText and data-value) in my new demo

In the table the attribute data-value is used to store some data (2B, 3C,..).

<table id="t2">    
<tr id="tr1"><th>Student Name<th>Course</tr>
<tr id="tr2"><td data-value="2B">Bert2 <td>Economics </tr>
<tr id="tr3"><td data-value="3C">Clyde3 <td>Chemics </tr>
<tr id="tr4"><td data-value="4D"> <td>Digital Art</tr>
<tr id="tr5"><td data-value="5E">Ernest <td>Ecmoplasma </tr>

With jQuery and the right selector you can iterate over each cell:

function eachCell(){
var cellInnerText = [];
var cellValue = [];
var out = document.getElementById("out");
var out2 = document.getElementById("out2");
// iterate over each row in table with id t2 in the table-body (tbody)
$('#t2 tbody tr').each(function(index){
// copy the text into an array
cellInnerText.push($(":first-child", $(this)).text());
//copy the data-value into an array
cellValue.push($(":first-child", $(this)).attr('data-value'));
// show content of both arrays
out.innerHTML = cellInnerText.join(" | ");
out2.innerHTML = cellValue.join(" | ");

[#82351] Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 12 Years  [reply] [flag answer]
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